[OmniOS-discuss] illumos bug #2869 duplicate packets with vnics over aggrs

Richard Elling richard.elling at richardelling.com
Wed Jul 25 13:21:19 EDT 2012

On Jul 25, 2012, at 5:13 AM, Theo Schlossnagle wrote:

> And for a different perspective, we have great success and happiness
> with L2 link aggregation in our datacenters.
> We do it for redundancy (not increased capacity) in the case where one
> of our switch chasis fails (or PDU pops).

Indeed, this is the use case for which it was designed: protecting the link.
As you try to move up the stack, above L2, you can get into all sorts of
gnarly issues, though... I've seen switches fall to their knees, begging for
forgiveness :-)

To make this work across switches in a multi-vendor environment is, last I
checked, not possible. I've got old, healed scars from Cisco and Arista
implementations of link aggregation across switches. As you note, L2 is a
good choice.
 -- richard

ZFS Performance and Training
Richard.Elling at RichardElling.com

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