[OmniOS-discuss] stable vs "bloody"

Kent Watsen kent at watsen.net
Wed Oct 10 15:49:33 EDT 2012

>> Sweet. I'm sure I don't only speak for myself when I say we appreciate
>> letting us join you in the journey :), it's nice to finally have a
>> production ready illumos distribution. I need to start working on my boss
>> to get him softened up on migrating our Solaris 10 zfs servers to OmniOS
>> sometime in the not-too-distant future...
> I'm in the process of doing that with my wife's company. Configuration
> management makes everything easier. :-)
> Thanks to the ABI, we don't even need to recompile our code! Yay Solarish.

I've decided to move my system over to OmniOS too.   I was going to go 
OI, but really just wanted JeOS.  Then I thought Illumian, but the 
project doesn't instill confidence.  Looking at OmniOS, reading 
everything about it, watching Theo's interview on MinkCast, etc...it 
seems perfect - thanks OmniOS devs!


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