[OmniOS-discuss] Can't delete old LU file

Alexandre NEY aney at ivision.fr
Mon Aug 26 23:33:50 UTC 2013

Hello list,

I'm having an issue deleting a file, i guess it's more of a cosmetic problem because it's not really using any space but I'd like to understand.

I have a few LUs based on files that I present with COMSTAR. Somehow during the creation of some LUs I think I created one with the name zfs01cdp02 then deleted it then created it again.

What I have now are 2 files :

-rwxrwxrwx+ 1 root root 3.1T Aug 27 01:28 zfs01cdp02
-rwxrwxrwx+ 1 root root 4.5K Jul 10 19:06 zfs01cdp02_

One is actively used as a LU, the other one not.

This is the content of the file :

root at ivi-zfs01:/POOL01/cdp01# cat zfs01cdp02_
ULDBSNUSâf0ÿ1   ÿñ`Dð]

QÝ/POOL01/cdp01/zfs01cdp02_Â ÿóÿroot at ivi-zfs01:/POOL01/cdp01#

I'm trying to delete the file but I always get "access denied" even as root.

root at ivi-zfs01:/POOL01/cdp01# rm -rf zfs01cdp02_
rm: cannot remove 'zfs01cdp02_': Permission denied

It does not show up in the list when running sbdadm list-lu

Any hints ?

Thanks !

Alexandre NEY

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