[OmniOS-discuss] dns/multicast

Carlos Cardenas cardenas12 at gmail.com
Tue Jul 23 14:57:10 UTC 2013

On Tuesday, July 23, 2013 at 12:20 AM, Ben Summers wrote:
> We use mDNS very successfully for development VMs: http://bens.me.uk/2013/multicast-dns-and-development-virtual-machines
> But why do you need to do service discovery? mDNSResponder will automatically broadcast `hostname`.local, and you just ssh or whatever to that hostname. 

Is that for GZ or NGZ?  I enabled the service in the GZ and didn't see any services register nor be able to resolve others outside of dns-sd.

For example, Ndnd is my toughbook running OmniOS and Lrrr is my MBP.

I could not ssh into Lrrr from Ndnd:
# ssh carlos at Lrrr.local

nor could I ssh into Ndnd from Lrrr:
# ssh carlos at Ndnd.local

The only way I could see the mdns services was via dns-sd.


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