[OmniOS-discuss] virtualbox installed on omnios latest stable

Geoff Nordli geoffn at gnaa.net
Tue May 28 15:01:05 EDT 2013

On 13-05-28 11:45 AM, Jared Morrow wrote:
>     What are you using to auto manage the startup/shutdown of KVM
>     instances.  I use
>     http://sourceforge.net/projects/vboxsvc/ with vbox. 
> In SmartOS I use their vmadm tool, and on OmniOS I just started it up 
> by hand and haven't shut it down since.  There is a project that came 
> up on this list to replicate vmadm on OmniOS, but the name escapes me 
> right now.
> Regarding high performance, I do some testing of Riak (our distributed 
> data store) on SmartOS->KVM->Linux and as long as I use the virtio 
> driver I get pretty decent performance.  For reference, FreeBSD and 
> Centos5 need a little bit of work to get virtio to work, but it isn't 
> that hard.

That sounds encouraging.  Can you ballpark the performance numbers you 
are seeing ?



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