[OmniOS-discuss] Changing the mtu of a vlan interface

David Seira dseira at stackscale.com
Wed Jan 22 16:09:08 UTC 2014

Hi all,

I'm trying to figure out how change the mtu of a vlan interface once
it is created.

First I've created the aggr interface with the mtu 1500. Then I've
created a vlan for this interface with the same mtu.

Next I want to change the mtu of this connection. First I've changed
the mtu of the aggr:

#dladm set-linkprop -p mtu=9000 aggr0

But the problem comes when I've tried to change the mtu of the vlan
interface with the same command; I receive the next message:

dladm: warning: cannot set link property 'mtu' on 'aggr0.164':
operation not supported

I've also tried disable the interface but with the same result.

If I delete and create the vlan interface again (with the aggr0 with
the mtu 9000) it works.

I don't understand why is not possible to change the mtu of a vlan
interface once it is created.

Is possible? How can I do that?


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