[OmniOS-discuss] Netatalk Problems on OmniOS

Olaf Marzocchi lists at marzocchi.net
Thu Jun 5 21:48:48 UTC 2014

>> and also the version of SMB: illumos has SMB 1, not
>> SMB2, and that is slow.
> True; but as long as you are installing an extra package anyway you could
> use samba for a more recent, albeit user space, CIFS service.

SMB1 on 10.7-10.8 also took a LOT of cpu on my old iMac, AFP very little.
I wonder with SMB2/3.

Now that I have AFP working I can try Samba4, I wonder which one gives better performances.

You mentioned user space Samba vs kernel space CIFS. Pros/cons? Is kernel space safer? Faster? Shorter access times? Better for few users or multiple concurrent users? I never found a comprehensive explanation of the differences of the two alternatives.


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