[OmniOS-discuss] Openssl patch 1.01h (5 Jun 2014) breaks TLS mail

Zach Malone zmalone at omniti.com
Mon Jun 9 20:12:33 UTC 2014

Hello Guenther,
At present, I think the omniti-perl repo has been fully built against
a mix of 151002 through 151006 hosts.  Given the changes in r151008
and r151010, I wouldn't expect it to work.

We've got someone rebuilding it against 010 now, but it isn't a high
priority for us, none of the places we're using that perl repo are off
of 006 LTS yet.

Please note that both omniti-ms and omniti-perl repos are not core OS,
and don't get updated fully for every new release.  They are just
collections of packages that we use internally.

If you'd like, the following sites have instructions on creating your
own repos and packages, so that you can keep the versions of the
software you need at the versions you want:

has the build scripts for all of the omniti-ms repo.

The omniti-perl repo doesn't see much use, so we have not publicly
published the build scripts for it anywhere I can find.  If you have a
list of the modules that you use, I can forward over our build scripts
for those modules, and that way you can build your own alka-packages
repo that contains exactly the packages you need, at the versions you
want, and for the platform you want.

Dale, Robert, or Eric might be open to us moving over the omniti-perl
build scripts to github too.  Any thoughts?

Alternatively, things should work as they did before on r151006LTS,
and I can let you know when omniti-perl has been rebuilt for 010.

On Mon, Jun 9, 2014 at 3:51 PM, Guenther Alka <alka at hfg-gmuend.de> wrote:
> about: sending encrypted statusmails via TLS (Googlemail)
> I use OmniOS + net-ssleay + Perl module Tls.pm to send encrypted mails
> over Googlemail and orthers from napp-it (or from a a console script)
> Up to last week this was done by a
> pkg set-publisher -g http://pkg.omniti.com/omniti-perl/ perl.omniti.com
> pkg install net-ssleay
> followed by a install Net::SMTP::TLS from CPAN
> (more http://napp-it.org/downloads/omnios_en.html)
> After updating SSL (or using OmniOS 151010j) the install of Tls failed with
> a "Can't locate Net/SSLeay.pm"
> I then compared both settings and found:
> OmniOS net-ssleay prior SSL Update
> find / -name SSLeay.pm
> /usr/perl5/site_perl/5.16.1/i86pc-solaris-thread-multi-64int/Net/SSLeay.pm
> /opt/OMNIperl/lib/site_perl/5.14.2/i86pc-solaris-thread-multi-64/Net/SSLeay.pm
> /opt/OMNIperl/lib/site_perl/5.14.2/i86pc-solaris-thread-multi-64int/Net/SSLeay.pm
> OmniOS net-ssleay after SSL Update (or OmniOS 151010j)
> find / -name SSLeay.pm
> /opt/OMNIperl/lib/site_perl/5.14.2/i86pc-solaris-thread-multi-64/Net/SSLeay.pm
> /opt/OMNIperl/lib/site_perl/5.14.2/i86pc-solaris-thread-multi-64int/Net/SSLeay.pm
> When I just copy
> /opt/OMNIperl/lib/site_perl/5.14.2/i86pc-solaris-thread-multi-64int/Net/  to
> /usr/perl5/site_perl/5.16.1/i86pc-solaris-thread-multi-64int/
> i got a
> Deep recursion on subroutine "Net::SSLeay::AUTOLOAD" at
> /usr/perl5/site_perl/5.16.1/i86pc-solaris-thread-multi-64int/Net/SSLeay.pm
> line 348.
> Out of memory!
> Someonae an idea?
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