[OmniOS-discuss] Problem with using omnios-build

Carl Brunning carlb at flamewarestudios.com
Tue Mar 25 16:27:01 UTC 2014

am playing with the omnios-build
but when trying to do pkg build i find on the git clone it having a problem
the line is this
logcmd $GIT clone -b $PKG_BRANCH src at src.omniti.com:~omnios/core/pkg<mailto:src at src.omniti.com:~omnios/core/pkg>

the branch is r151006

this is wanting a password but I don't know what it is
i did see on the latest version of the build you have changed to this

logcmd  $GIT clone -b omni anon at src.omniti.com:~omnios/core/illumos-omni-os<mailto:anon at src.omniti.com:~omnios/core/illumos-omni-os>

but this is just not finding anything

Cloning into 'illumos-omni-os'...
Non-existant repo core/illumos-omni-os
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.

so why it asking for a password for the first one lol
and what is it
and i hope you fix it all


Carl Brunning

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