[OmniOS-discuss] ZFS and Usage-creep

Scott LeFevre slefevre at indy.rr.com
Thu May 15 14:16:43 UTC 2014


I'm interested if you sorted out the answer to your question from
Richard's response?
I've seen this situation as well and I'm curious for clear answer.

Scott LeFevre

On Mon, 2014-05-12 at 16:41 -0400, Tim Brown wrote:

> I have a question about ZFS usage and how to predictability allocate
> space.  I have scoured the web trying to get a good answer, but have
> yet to find one.
> I am advertising 2TB datastores to our VMware cluster over fiber
> channel using comstar.  I use this command to create the dataset.
> zfs create -V 2047g vmpool01/datastores/ds01
> It all works great but some of my datasets are using far more that the
> 2047g(more than double in one case).  Here are some examples:
> zfs list
> NAME                           USED  AVAIL  REFER  MOUNTPOINT
> ...
> vmpool01                      27.4T  20.7T   469K  /vmpool01
> vmpool01/datastores           27.4T  20.7T   384K  /vmpool01/datastores
> vmpool01/datastores/ds01      3.10T  20.7T  3.10T  -
> vmpool01/datastores/ds02      2.06T  21.4T  1.34T  -
> vmpool01/datastores/ds03      2.69T  20.7T  2.69T  -
> vmpool01/datastores/ds04      2.49T  20.7T  2.49T  -
> vmpool01/datastores/ds05      3.69T  20.7T  3.69T  -
> vmpool01/datastores/ds06      4.67T  20.7T  4.67T  -
> vmpool01/datastores/ds07      2.47T  20.7T  2.47T  -
> vmpool01/datastores/ds08      2.06T  20.8T  1.92T  -
> ...
> Can someone explain this to me or is there a document somewhere that
> can tell me how to predict the usage?  Thanks.
> - Tim
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