[OmniOS-discuss] Jenkins CI on OmniOS? (NPE)

Magnus magnus at yonderway.com
Fri Oct 3 11:54:51 UTC 2014

On Oct 3, 2014, at 4:09 AM, Dan Vatca <dan at syneto.net> wrote:
> The user you are installing jenkins with (called jenkins) has configured his home directory as /export/home/jenkins, and that directory does not exist. Create a filesystem for it (or just a directory) and then change the user's home directory to that directory using usermod. Also change the owner of that directory to be jenkins (using chown).
> Hope this helps,

Hi Dan,

On the surface that might sound true. But…

jenkins at jenkins:/export/home/jenkins$ pwd


jenkins at jenkins:/export/home/jenkins$ cd ..
jenkins at jenkins:/export/home$ ls -la | grep jenkins
drwx------ 4 jenkins other 14 Oct  3 03:45 jenkins

Strange, huh?


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