[OmniOS-discuss] Bug in pkg/server on OmniOS when the publisher name contains a dash

Dan McDonald danmcd at omniti.com
Mon Apr 20 20:58:02 UTC 2015

> On Apr 20, 2015, at 4:38 PM, Volker A. Brandt <vab at bb-c.de> wrote:
> Hi Dan!
>> Dug through my mail, and I didn't see this note.  I may have lost
>> it, but gmail is usually good about not letting you get rid of
>> mails.  :(
> Well, I sent it to @omniti.com.  My guess is you don't see any of
> my mails because they are filtered away.  But no matter, as long as
> the discuss list works, that's fine.

I may have deleted it while reading on my phone (which can happen more than I'd like).

>> The OmniOS version of pkg(5) is a downstream of OpenIndiana's, which
>> is in turn a downstream of Oracle's, but last synched in 2013
>> (because Oracle uses hg, and git from hg is annoying).
> Interesting, wasn't aware of that.  So is it really just a matter
> of mercurial->git conversion, or has the OI/Omni version of pkg
> diverged too much?
> if the former, maybe one of the many tools could be leveraged that
> pull stuff out of hg repos and push it into git?

I don't know.  I don't do the downstreaming from Oracle... OI does.

>> wonder if this bug was around a while, and that's why it's
>> "ms.omniti.com" instead of "omniti-ms", for example?
> Sounds likely.  I wouldn't know. :-)

I mention that for the list's benefit, because that decision was made before I arrived at OmniTI.

>> ANYWAY, my toy server with an empty repo had this in its logs:
>> - - [20/Apr/2015:13:32:46] "GET /versions/0/ HTTP/1.1" 200 179 ""
>> "pkg/1427212657 (sunos i86pc; 5.11 omnios-fbd6dc7; full;
>> pkg)"
> Interesting.  Where does that log come from?  Do you have an Apache
> with redirect rules sitting in front of your repo?

Just running pkg.depotd in the foreground.

	/usr/lib/pkg.depotd -p 2112 -d blah

Port 2112, with "blah" being a pkgrepo(1M) directory.

>  I did play around
> with redirects and rewrite rules, but wasn't really happy, so I decided
> to concentrate on one problem at a time.  My Apache logs show similar
> entries when I tell the IPS client to use port 80 (where an Apache is
> listening on the pkg server host):
> 192.168.xxx.xxx - - [20/Apr/2015:17:58:10 +0200] "GET /my-repo/versions/0/
> HTTP/1.1" 404 220 "-" "pkg/1427212657 (sunos i86pc; 5.11 omnios-170cea2; full;
> pkg)"
> ...but the pkg/server:my-pub instance listens on another port, hence
> the 404 codes.

I'd have to look deeper, and maybe enable more debugging output.

> Going forward, what is the likelihood of OmniOS adopting a more recent
> version of the Oracle IPS gate?  I don't really think I can offer much
> help (ENOTIME, ENOCLUE, etc.) but IMHO it would be well worth while if
> it fixes that bug.

I have enough else pulling at me at the moment I can't look at this deeply right now.


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