[OmniOS-discuss] strangeness ssh into omnios from oi_151a9

Richard PALO richard at netbsd.org
Sun Aug 30 08:50:49 UTC 2015

Le 24/08/15 19:14, Eric Sproul a écrit :
> On Mon, Aug 24, 2015 at 12:04 PM, Richard PALO <richard-S783fYmB3Ccdnm+yROfE0A at public.gmane.org> wrote:
>> notice inbound invalids and nomatches both ways... are they a concern?
> I have no idea.  I might try adding an unconditional pass rule for the
> OmniOS system to ensure it's not matching any other ipfilter rules, or
> if possible, disable ipfilter during the testing.

Been noticing some talk of issues with ipv6/ipv4 lately...

My freebox (on the omnios side) has ipv6 enabled but not on the OI side with an OBS router.

I'll try turning that off to see if things settle down.. with some luck some fixes are on the way.
(seems I remember Dan already fixed an issue last year in this area that I had with the hottail fox).
Richard PALO

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