[OmniOS-discuss] Zpool export while resilvering?

Richard Elling richard.elling at richardelling.com
Tue Jun 9 18:56:16 UTC 2015

> On Jun 9, 2015, at 8:05 AM, Robert A. Brock <Robert.Brock at 2hoffshore.com> wrote:
> List,
> This is probably a silly question, but I’ve honestly never tried this and don’t have a test machine handy at the moment – can a pool be safely exported and re-imported later if it is currently resilvering?


> In the way of a bit of background, I have a pool made up with thirty or so 4TB Seagate disks with a firmware issue that results in their max temp being set at 40C as opposed to 60C.

yep, this is the broken 003 firmware from Seagate, know it well :-P

> This particular pool is in an office building in Texas, in an air-conditioned server room. The condenser for this unit is in the building’s plenum and when the building a/c goes off over weekends in the summer my server room a/c struggles and temps run up to about 85F or so. This is causing my pool to drop random disks lately (fmadm reports high temp and they get marked as removed from the pool), and I’ve only just narrowed it down to this firmware issue. Seagate firmware update utility is apparently Windows only, so the disks must come out for the firmware update, but the pool is resilvering several disks with days remaining, hence my original query.

fwflash might work, but it is unlikely Seagate knows anything about it. In any case,
firmware upgrades on production system is not a best practice.

You can also disable the FMA agent, disk-transport, which is the agent responsible 
for watching to ensure the temperature does not exceed the "temperature at which
the drive vendor says the drive should not be operated" The impact to you is that 
the same agent detects other failures, such as predicted failures, that probably do
need to be noticed. For a short window, this option might work for you.

Useful commands:
	fmstat - shows the current FMA modules, and should include disk-transport
	fmadm unload disk-transport
	fmadm load disk-transport

The temp checks (and PFA) are done once per hour, by default.
 -- richard

> Regards,
> Rob
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