[OmniOS-discuss] Problem updating ms-omniti local repo

Lopez, Javier javier.lopez at trixter.de
Tue Jun 16 15:48:35 UTC 2015

T hank you for the answer Volker , 

I've recreated the repo following your indications and I still have the same problem when I try to update the repo. 

thank you for your time 


----- Original Message -----
From: "Javier Lopez" <javier.lopez at trixter.de> 
To: omnios-discuss at lists.omniti.com 
Cc: "Trixter IT Dept" <it at trixter.de> 
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2015 2:22:49 PM 
Subject: Problem updating ms-omniti local repo 


I've created a local mirror of the ms.omniti.com repository with the following command: 

#> pkgrepo create /path/ms.omniti.com/ 
#> pkgrecv -s http://pkg.omniti.com/omniti-ms/ -d /path/ms.omniti.com/ '*' 

Everything were fine but when I tried to update the repo I get this error message 

#> pkgrecv -s http://pkg.omniti.com/omniti-ms/ -d /path/ms.omniti.com/ '*' 
Processing packages for publisher omniti-ms ... 
Retrieving catalog ' http://pkg.omniti.com/omniti-ms/ '... 
Unable to retrieve package data for publisher 'omniti-ms' from one 
of the following origin(s): 


The catalog retrieved from one of the origin(s) listed above only 
contains package data for: ms.omniti.com. 

This is either a result of invalid origin information being provided 
for publisher 'omniti-ms', or because the wrong publisher name was 
provided when this publisher was added. 

Retrieving and evaluating 809 package(s)... 
omniti/runtime/nodejs 1/809 6.6/1805.6 0.2/5478.3 
pkgrecv: 'open' failed for transaction ID '1430420933_pkg%3A%2F%2Fms.omniti.com%2Fomniti%2Fruntime%2Fnodejs%400.10.21%2C5.11-0.151014%3A20150430T190853Z': The specified FMRI, 'pkg://ms.omniti.com/omniti/runtime/nodejs@0.10.21,5.11-0.151014:20150430T190853Z', already exists or has been restricted. 

pkgrecv: Cached files were preserved in the following directory: 
Use pkgrecv -c to resume the interrupted download. 

I'm stucked here. Any help or pointers will be apreciated. 


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