[OmniOS-discuss] mountpoint on the parent pool

Jim Klimov jimklimov at cos.ru
Fri Feb 10 21:19:53 UTC 2017

9 февраля 2017 г. 18:09:04 CET, Dirk Willems <dirk.willems at exitas.be> пишет:
>Thanks Dan,
>I just was wondering about it, because in Solaris it's allowed we do it
>all the time and it's become a automatic behavior for us, but if we
>it we can arrange it like you do.
>On 09-02-17 17:41, Dan McDonald wrote:
>>> On Feb 9, 2017, at 11:28 AM, Dirk Willems <dirk.willems at exitas.be>
>>> Hello OmniOS,
>>> Why isn't allowed to install a LX-Zone or Zone if the DATA pool
>doesn't have a mountpoint on the parent ?
>>> below example doesn't allow you to install a Zone or LX-Zone
>>> root at OmniOS:/root# zfs list
>>> NAME                           USED  AVAIL  REFER  MOUNTPOINT
>>> DATA                           432G   777G    23K  none
>>> DATA/Backup                    432G   777G   432G  /Backup
>>> DATA/LXZones                    23K   777G    23K  /LXZones
>>> below example does allow you to install a Zone or LX-Zone
>>> root at OmniOS:/root# zfs list
>>> NAME                           USED  AVAIL  REFER  MOUNTPOINT
>>> DATA                           433G   776G    23K  /LXZones
>>> DATA/Backup                    432G   776G   432G  /Backup
>>> DATA/LXMatterMost              229M   776G   228M 
>>> It's kind ignoring because i like to make separated filesystems for
>having a nice overview :)
>> All zones (not just LX) need to be a subdirectory of a higher-level
>ZFS filesystem.  This is so zoneadm(1M) can create the zone root.
>> bloody(~)[0]% zfs list | grep zones | grep -v zbe
>> data/zones                              3.90G   509G    23K  /zones
>> data/zones/lipkg0                       3.14G   509G    24K 
>> data/zones/lipkg0/ROOT                  3.14G   509G    23K  legacy
>> data/zones/lx0                           465M   509G   465M 
>> data/zones/lx1                           315M   509G   239M 
>> bloody(~)[0]%
>> My bloody box has zones name per their brand, so you can see what I
>> Dan

Just in case, do you not mistake zone roots here with delegated datasets (e.g. for data or local progs, but with zfs structure managed from inside the zone)? This is indeed usable even from different pools in solaris 10 up to openindiana at least.
Typos courtesy of K-9 Mail on my Samsung Android

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