[OmniOS-discuss] upgrading from 151014

Richard Jahnel rjahnel at ellipseinc.com
Wed Jan 4 20:47:19 UTC 2017

I'm trying to update some omnios machines I use a fibre targets from 101514 to current one step at a time.

In step one just trying to get to 16 I've already gotten stuck. Any ideas on how to get the upgrade to proceed?

# cat /etc/release
  OmniOS v11 r151014
  Copyright 2015 OmniTI Computer Consulting, Inc. All rights reserved.
  Use is subject to license terms.
# pkg update
Creating Plan (Running solver): -
pkg update: No solution was found to satisfy constraints
Plan Creation: Package solver has not found a solution to update to latest available versions.
This may indicate an overly constrained set of packages are installed.

latest incorporations:


The following indicates why the system cannot update to the latest version:

  No suitable version of required package pkg://omnios/incorporation/jeos/illumos-gate@11,5.11-0.151016:20151102T185724Z found:
    Reject:  pkg://omnios/incorporation/jeos/illumos-gate@11,5.11-0.151016:20151102T185724Z
    Reason:  A version for 'incorporate' dependency on pkg:/system/data/zoneinfo at 2015.7,5.11-0.151016 cannot be found
  No suitable version of required package pkg://omnios/network/openssh-server@7.1.1,5.11-0.151016:20151102T190719Z found:
    Reject:  pkg://omnios/network/openssh-server@7.1.1,5.11-0.151016:20151102T190719Z
    Reason:  Package contains 'exclude' dependency pkg:/service/network/ssh on installed package

and much much more along the above lines.

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