[OmniOS-discuss] LX zones: configurations

Dominik Hassler hasslerd at gmx.li
Tue Jan 10 23:42:24 UTC 2017


I am very satisfied to stay in the realm of zoneadm/zonecfg and family. 
This is what I wanted to read:

On 01/11/2017 12:03 AM, Dan McDonald wrote:
 >  If there are real, provable show-stoppers in LX, fixes may get 


On 01/11/2017 12:04 AM, Dale Ghent wrote:
>> On Jan 10, 2017, at 5:04 PM, Dominik Hassler <hasslerd at gmx.li> wrote:
>> @Dan: LX zones are considered BETA in r20 and r22 seems to be "late", is there a chance to get LX bleeding edge in r20 w/o the risk of breaking something else?
> Zones in 020 is still largely in sync with the LX code currently in bloody (021). Since zones (beta) was released with 020, we’ve been primarily focussed on other items required for 022, the most laborious of which is the Python 2.6 -> 2.7 upgrade. This is needed for a number of reasons. First, the benefits of getting off of 2.6 and on to 2.7 is self-explanatory, but 2.7 is also needed for being able to stay in sync with the pkg code, as well as the next big project for 022 - a loader-enabled installer (text installer and kayak) to replace the current one.
> In the mean-time, we’re always looking for ideas (and even contributions!) from the community on how best to handle the management and administrivia involved with LX zones. For now, we’d like this to stay within the realm of zoneadm/zonecfg and family.
> /dale

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