[OmniOS-discuss] Oddity following upgrade to r151022

Andy Fiddaman omnios at citrus-it.net
Mon May 15 08:51:54 UTC 2017

On Sun, 14 May 2017, Dan McDonald wrote:

; > On May 14, 2017, at 5:33 PM, Andy Fiddaman <omnios at citrus-it.net> wrote:
; >
; > but svc:/system/metainit:default is still there and is maintenance on
; > all servers.
; I did multiple 020 to 022 (no-zones) upgrade tests, and I didn't see this.
; > bonnet# svcprop metainit | grep manifest
; > manifestfiles/code_omnios-151006_illumos-omnios_usr_src_cmd_lvm_util_metainit_xml astring /code/omnios-151006/illumos-omnios/usr/src/cmd/lvm/util/metainit.xml
; > manifestfiles/lib_svc_manifest_system_metainit_xml astring /lib/svc/manifest/system/metainit.xml
; >
; > although I seem to have these on a few other services too, all
; > with 'omnios-151006' as part of the name.
; Yeah... this may explain things.  Not unlike the bootenv.rc report from earlier, maybe having customizations in these caused some problems?

We have't made any local modifications to this though. The servers were
originally built on r151006 and then upgraded to each even release as it
came out. That's the only reason I can think of for the different
experience between this and upgrading from a vanilla r151020.

Anyway, 'svccfg delete metainit; svccfg delete rpc/smserver' got me back
up and running although I still can't explain the strange ZFS mount order
(child filesystems mounting before parents). That seems to be ok now
though; I'll try and replicate it again when I update the other data

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