[OmniOS-discuss] OmniOS install on HP DL360g8

Eric Sproul esproul at omniti.com
Thu May 23 17:28:57 EDT 2013

On Thu, May 23, 2013 at 5:02 PM, Aleš Jagrič, Fora d.o.o.
<ales.jagric at forum-racunalnistva.eu> wrote:
> Ok, the boot_archive got updated, still panicking.
> I'll recap what i've done;
> Booted the latest stable OmniOS image and selected shell
> Then i did this
> rem_drv cpqary3
> rm -rf /var/sadm/pkg/CPQary3
> find /kernel -name cpqary\* -exec rm {} \+ pkgadd -d /root/CPQary3.pkg
> exited the shell and ran the installer, installed and rebooted. This panics on reboot.

It looks like you only installed CPQary3.pkg in the installer's
ramdisk environment.

> Then i booted agan with the live image
> Did zpool import -R /a -f rpool
> did beadm list an beadm mount omnios /b
> So i got to the root filesystem, then i executed the command below (or above ;) ) bootadm update_archive -v -R /b
> This did update the boot_archive in /platform but did not boot :/

If I'm not mistaken, you also need to install the CPQary3.pkg in the
installed root filesystem, i.e. after install but before rebooting.
You would then do the boot archive update to ensure the updated
cpqary3 driver binary is in there.


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