[OmniOS-discuss] usb hid ups monitoring

Georgi Todorov terahz at geodar.com
Tue Jun 3 02:51:54 UTC 2014

On 06/02/2014 10:32 PM, Paul B. Henson wrote:
>> From: Georgi Todorov
>> Sent: Monday, June 02, 2014 7:53 AM
>> I have a Cyber Power ups that I'm monitoring via USB and it works just fine.
> To clarify, this is under OI, not omnios? Did you compile nut/libusb yourself, or did you use packages in the OI repository?

Originally it was OI, then OmniOS until about 3 days ago. I compiled nut
myself, yes, but libusb is a major PITA. Basically you have to find the
libusb packages from the latest opensolaris and install them. Then there
were problems with libusb.h or something... it was a while ago and a big
time sink.

This passed weekend installed ESXi on my host and using passthrough and
a solarflare 10gbe adapter from ebay I have omnios running as VM and
much faster than it was before (from a usb stick). I've setup a linux vm
along side it for everything else, including UPS management( which can
trigger esxi shutdown, which in turn triggers VM shutdown).

>> The tricky part is to use ugen omnios driver not hid. My device is 764,501.1
>> and this is what I did:
> [...]
>> # rem_drv ugen
>> # add_drv -i '"usb764,501.1"'  -m '* 0666 ups ups'  ugen
> That magic number is from 'prtconf -v'? Looks like mine would be "usb51d,2.6". Did you need to do a reconfiguration reboot after this change? I've seen some threads claiming that was required.
Yes and yes, the change is lost at reboot. I never got it to stick so I
had to run it on boot every time before nut started. Otherwise the
driver would not work.

Good luck :)

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