[OmniOS-discuss] Ang: Ang: Ang: Re: LU read only and r/w for different hosts?

Richard Elling richard.elling at richardelling.com
Fri Jan 2 19:12:18 UTC 2015

> On Jan 2, 2015, at 9:52 AM, Johan Kragsterman <johan.kragsterman at capvert.se> wrote:
> Hmmm again....a lot of hmmm's here today...
> Been reading some more, and it looks like it is possible to reserve at LU level.

You are correct. The spec is for targets as managed by the initiator. If you’d like to propose an
enhancement to the spec… :-)

> I found a guy that uses an sg-persist command on solaris 11.1, but I don't find it in OmniOS. I did a pkg search, but perhaps I don't know what to search for…?

I’m not sure if OmniTI packages it, but source is readily available at http://sg.danny.cz/sg/sg3_utils.html <http://sg.danny.cz/sg/sg3_utils.html>
 — richard


Richard.Elling at RichardElling.com

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