[OmniOS-discuss] Missing readline module in r151014

Cal Sawyer cal-s at blue-bolt.com
Fri Jul 31 08:48:34 UTC 2015


Setting up a new server on r151014 and found that a python script that 
ran on r151010 fails with this old python-chestnut:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
       File "/root/diskmap.py", line 9, in <module>
         import subprocess, re, os, sys, readline, cmd, pickle, glob
    ImportError: No module named readline

It appears that 014's python package no longer includes 
lib-dynload/[64/]readline.so. Searching on python packages containing 
readline.so turns up

pkg:/omniti/runtime/python-26 at 2.6.7-0.151008   ms.omniti.com
pkg:/omniti/runtime/python-27 at 2.7.6-0.151006   ms.omniti.com
pkg:/omniti/runtime/python-27 at 2.7.6-0.151008   ms.omniti.com
pkg:/omniti/runtime/python-34 at 3.4.0-0.151006   ms.omniti.com
pkg:/omniti/runtime/python-34 at 3.4.0-0.151010   ms.omniti.com
pkg:/omniti/runtime/python-34 at 3.4.3-0.151014   ms.omniti.com


 > python -V
Python 2.6.8

No python 2.x.x for 014 (and 010) at all in omniti and only 3.x.x? Am i 
missing something? I would have expected to see 2.6.8-0.151014 as that's 
what is installed

Cal Sawyer | Systems Engineer | BlueBolt Ltd

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