[OmniOS-discuss] DFS Replication with CIFS shares

Jim Oltman jim.oltman at gmail.com
Thu Jun 25 17:18:40 UTC 2015

On Thu, Jun 25, 2015 at 7:11 AM, Lawrence Giam <paladinemishakal at gmail.com>

> Hi All,
> I am looking at setting up DFS replication with CIFS shares where I have a
> Windows DFS namespace and I have multiple target folder, is it possible to
> get DFS Replication working?
> Googling on the web shows results that say the DFS target have to be
> windows filesystem
> https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/windowsserver/en-US/e37d0a9a-1759-487c-a560-b5ba60220892/dfs-replication-wont-work-with-2008-dfs-front-end-and-2-cifs-shares-on-netapp?forum=winserverfiles
> So my setup is that the SAN/NAS is running OmniOS that provides the CIFS
> to the Windows server and with that I have setup DFS namespace with a
> single target folder. When I tried to add another target folder to the DFS
> namespace,the system prompted me if I want to create a replication group.
> Proceeding forward, I got the error saying "The member is running a down
> level operating system".
> Any help?
> Thanks & Regards.

When I was faced with this, I chose to share out zVols via iSCSI to the
Windows machine.  It made DFS so much simpler.

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