[OmniOS-discuss] DFS Replication with CIFS shares

Lawrence Giam paladinemishakal at gmail.com
Fri Jun 26 02:10:50 UTC 2015

Hi Jim,

Can you explain more on this? You share out the zVols via iSCSI to the
Windows machine, so on the windows machine, you attach that zVols as a disk?

But in my situation, I have alot of smb shares serve from the NAS and doing
it your way, would I be then face with drive letter limitation?


On Fri, Jun 26, 2015 at 1:18 AM, Jim Oltman <jim.oltman at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Thu, Jun 25, 2015 at 7:11 AM, Lawrence Giam <paladinemishakal at gmail.com
> > wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I am looking at setting up DFS replication with CIFS shares where I have
>> a Windows DFS namespace and I have multiple target folder, is it possible
>> to get DFS Replication working?
>> Googling on the web shows results that say the DFS target have to be
>> windows filesystem
>> https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/windowsserver/en-US/e37d0a9a-1759-487c-a560-b5ba60220892/dfs-replication-wont-work-with-2008-dfs-front-end-and-2-cifs-shares-on-netapp?forum=winserverfiles
>> So my setup is that the SAN/NAS is running OmniOS that provides the CIFS
>> to the Windows server and with that I have setup DFS namespace with a
>> single target folder. When I tried to add another target folder to the DFS
>> namespace,the system prompted me if I want to create a replication group.
>> Proceeding forward, I got the error saying "The member is running a down
>> level operating system".
>> Any help?
>> Thanks & Regards.
> When I was faced with this, I chose to share out zVols via iSCSI to the
> Windows machine.  It made DFS so much simpler.
> Jim
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