[OmniOS-discuss] Update BIND to 9.10.3-P3?

Peter Tribble peter.tribble at gmail.com
Sat Feb 6 15:27:48 UTC 2016

On Fri, Feb 5, 2016 at 3:42 PM, Dan McDonald <danmcd at omniti.com> wrote:

> In the early days of OmniOS, people decided that most built their own
> version of named, and so it got moved out following the KYSTY principle.

Well, partly. The way this works for me is that if I'm running a
DNS server then I want to build and configure it myself. If I'm setting a
up with a local caching-only resolver, then I would expect the system to
me with a copy of named to use.

> Given you can get bind/named from any other number of sources (pkgsrc,
> ms.omniti.com, sfe, more), I'm not inclined to increase the base's
> support burden.

Confusion arises because you supply a bind package that isn't really bind.
In fact, you're increasing your support burden, and the burden on users, by
supplying a partial package - because you have to build some bits you don't
ship, so you have to have a custom set of rules to split the files up, which
you have to maintain. And users who do use bind have the potential to get
confused by some bits being present but not others. Such as supplying rndc,
which occasionally trips me up by running the wrong one. I would have
it would be much easier to simply ship the whole package rather than a
but that's just me.

(Oh, and I notice that tsig-keygen and its manpage are shipped as dangling
and you ship the manpage for named-rrchecker when you probably shouldn't.)

-Peter Tribble
http://www.petertribble.co.uk/ - http://ptribble.blogspot.com/
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