[OmniOS-discuss] qlt driver update

Martijn Fennis martijn at fennis.tk
Sun May 8 14:36:57 UTC 2016


I’m using omnios in combo with napp-it as a target server for my personal FC storage at home.

I have some problems here and there, that the driver goes offline. And thus ESX stops shortly after that.

The physical firmware is 7-point-something (latest) although it shows a lower through comstar’s QLT driver.

I assume this firmware is loaded at boot and “dominating” the physical one. I saw this happening with BSD as well.
Is there a way to update this driver/firmware? Searching google i found some people have 5.2.6 instead of this 5.2.1

I have no idea where i can find an update for it (if exists).

At the moment i switched with an exact same card to see if it is hw failure.

Info on the HBA:

HBA mode target :

HBA Port WWN: 2100001b320815c2
	Port Mode: Target
	Port ID: 10000
	OS Device Name: Not Applicable
	Manufacturer: QLogic Corp.
	Model: QLE2460
	Firmware Version: 5.2.1
	FCode/BIOS Version: N/A
	Serial Number: not available
	Driver Name: COMSTAR QLT
	Driver Version: 20100505-1.05
	Type: F-port
	State: online
	Supported Speeds: 1Gb 2Gb 4Gb 
	Current Speed: 4Gb 
	Node WWN: 2000001b320815c2
	Link Error Statistics:
		Link Failure Count: 0
		Loss of Sync Count: 0
		Loss of Signal Count: 0
		Primitive Seq Protocol Error Count: 0
		Invalid Tx Word Count: 0
		Invalid CRC Count: 0

Thanks for any info,


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