[OmniOS-discuss] omnios-b281e50: No solution was found to satisfy constraints

Kai Meder kai at meder.info
Mon Feb 3 20:19:44 UTC 2014

Eric Sproul schrieb:
> On Mon, Feb 3, 2014 at 1:57 PM, Kai Meder<kai at meder.info>  wrote:
>> pkg search -H -l -o pkg.name 'depend:incorporate:entire'
>> omniti/runtime/php-54
>> OK, you hit it. What am I supposed to do now?
>> I did not really understand the 'entire'-incorporation...
> The php-54 package declares that it requires entire at 11-0.151006 and
> only that version.  'entire' is a package that controls (directly or
> indirectly) the versions of all the packages available in the omnios
> publisher, so php-54 uses that as a way to say "I will only run on
> r151006".
> You can remove that package and upgrade, or you can stay on r151006 if
> you want to keep using the php-54 package.
OK, but since there is no php-55, I can't currently use PHP if I want to 
stay upgradeable, do I?
My server-WebInterface is based on PHP5, so I need any PHP5-version...


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